Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Why sex can be enjoy?

Why sex can be enjoy?

When we have a sex with our couple we will feel an enjoyment. This situasion happen because in anatomi of penis and vagina have a sensoric neuron. This neuron sending an information to brain tahat will ask the muscle in penis or vagina to have an erection.

Everyone have a different enjoyment it is based on the respon of the sensoric neuron,muscle,neuron celland the brain. Woman have an orgasm sensation beginning from tegang felinf follwed by quick enjoy feeling usually in klitoris then spread around the panngul, the next is the woman feel the vagina is warm like kesetrum or geli.

The physical sensation like this usually spead around the body. Many woman feel the muscle contraction in vagina or in the panggul bawah. The rangsangan around the klitoris (wether it is oral or by penis penetration) make some other sensitives part become tegangto get the klimaks.

For the man , it has a same theory like the woman in contraction of sex muscle.

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