Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

The danger of fragrance for healt

The danger of fragrance for healt
1. confused
2. sickening
3. vomit
4. bistubrb the grew of enbryio
5. irritation
6. dermatitic
basically the use of over chemichal material or contact with breath directly is dangerousand make the function of neuro system abnormal as defined by Dr. rer. Nat. Budiawan dari Puska RKL (Pusat Kajian Risiko dan Keselamatan Lingkungan)
forbidden material fragrance by the international fragrance association (ifa): musk,ambrette, geranyle, nitrile, and 7 metril coumarynformal dehide,methilcloroisothiozilinone.

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