Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

The myth 40 days after birthing process

The myth 40 days after birthing process
Many woman in Indonesia forbid his daughter to out of home until 40 days after birthing, some of them said that it will invite a evil soul. But the logic reason is in that time the mother will take a rest and balancing the blood. Production, health recovery, emotion, and psychological recovery.
The other reason is the organ is not ready to work hard so the effect is bloody because the uterus is unstable.

The material of ultraviolet absorber

The material of ultraviolet absorber
Edwin land (the inventor of Polaroid camera) success in applicate the yodium and sulfate as the layer of glasses lens. It make the glasses can absorb the ultraviolet ray. The layer included a suspended particle device (spd) because it has a kind of green particles. Moreover it develop into the glasses of greenhouse, bilding.
Copyrighted from YOHANES SURYA Guru Besar Universitas Pelita Harapan dan Direktur The Mochtar Riady Center for Nanotechnology and Bioengineering

The danger of fragrance for healt

The danger of fragrance for healt
1. confused
2. sickening
3. vomit
4. bistubrb the grew of enbryio
5. irritation
6. dermatitic
basically the use of over chemichal material or contact with breath directly is dangerousand make the function of neuro system abnormal as defined by Dr. rer. Nat. Budiawan dari Puska RKL (Pusat Kajian Risiko dan Keselamatan Lingkungan)
forbidden material fragrance by the international fragrance association (ifa): musk,ambrette, geranyle, nitrile, and 7 metril coumarynformal dehide,methilcloroisothiozilinone.

The correlation between shower at night and disease

The correlation between shower at night and disease
In Indonesia, Indonesian always complains sick when they get shower at night. It is caused by the temperature on bathing tub is lower than our body temperature. So it’s make our skin and muscle crease, blood vessel and neuron jammed in it can make stiff effect because the supply of blood and oxygen to skin and muscle is decrease an some times asphyxia.
The solution for this problem is do not use cold water, use a warm water to shower at night.
Copyrighted from unknown sourcee

The benefit and danger of smoking

The benefit and danger of smoking
The researcher found that someone who smoke between 15 cigarettes or more a day sset as cigarrethollic. 5o% of them knows decreasing smoking is not help to decrease the effect of smoking unless stop it all.
The benefit of smoking (believe it or not!)
According to the research of “human leucosyd antigen” define that hla is a atibobody which make some one avoid the danger of tobacco. But in this research stated that not everyone has this essence.
They say the benefit of smoking is:
1. someone will not beat by dog because dog fear with fire
2. the house of smoker will save because always cough every night

copyrighted from abdul malik azir



The indication
· Brokrn bone
· The back become bend down
· Loss the tall
· Paintful back

1. densitometer (lunar) byusing DXA technologi(dual-energy-x ray absorptiomeri)
· WOMAN HWO HAVE HIGht risk suffer osteoporosis
· Unconfirm sufferer
· The suffere which the medical treatment is must chech accurately
2. –USGDensitometer
3. lab procces for osteocalcin and dioksipiridinolin
4. x ray
5. pegukuran masa tulang
6. blood test
7. bone biopson

Monkey smallpox

Monkey smallpox
Monkey smallpox or impetigo bulosa is kind of disease which caused by a virus infection by staphylococcus aurous bacteria. The indication this disease is there is a bubble in armpit, chest, back. The bubbles is smashed fastly and have a huge number and following by miliaria. The sufferer will scratch the bubble like a monkey so it called monkey smallpox.

Health potato

Health potato
¥ How to chose a good potato
Chose a potato which have not a spout, good skin, and hard no spot or hole which can make decomposing because the entered of microbe. Do not chose a potato which have a green spot because the taste is bitter and the quality of essence is lower.
¥ How to save a potato
Save in a close plastic, in dry place and protect from direct sunlight.
¥ Potato variation
1. French fries
2. mashed potato instant
3. potato skin

Copyrighted from Dr.Ir Nuri Andarwulan Ms.si
Faculty of food technology and faculty of nutrient technology agriculture IPB, Bogor

First aid in fever

First aid in fever
1. take a rest
2. polish the sufferer with wet cloth continuously between 5-7 minutes
3. drink a water as many as possible
4. usee thermometer once 4-5 hour to know the body temperature
5. go to the doctor

Give the sufferer a medicine as
· paracetamol for confuse, stiff.
· ibuprofen because it effective and save
· asetosal well known as aspirin (don’t use this if the flank not endure with the acid. Asetosal also useless if the caused of fever is virus because it will make fatal complication called Reye syndrome
· mefenamat acid well known as ponstan and dipiron ,antalgin or novalgin

Copyrighted from: Prof.Dr. Iwan Darmansjah, Sp. Fk, Farmakolog

Coffee and milk for health

Coffee and milk for health

Coffee+milk = not good for health
When we drink a coffee in fit size (2 cups a day) will useful for big brain and heart. Then when we drink milk which contains many calcium is good for bone. But if we consume coffee and milk in a long term it will broke the liver , because the mix of them will caused unstabil emulation and difficult to dissgested.the point to prevent that risk is by infuse the coffee into milk not infuse the milk into the coffee, use the non fat milk it will prevent the milk decay in your stomach.

Consume an over caffeine caused caalculus
According to the survey it shown that after consume an over caffeine the calcium on the urine increase drastically so it caused a calculus.moreover dr.linda massy from university of Washington said that calcium is the main substance of rock, so if we consume over caffeine the risk will bigger.

Orange, juice, coklat and medicine is not good if consume concurrently with milk
About one hour before we drink a milk is not good to eat an orange because if protein in milk mix with acid of orange will make a gelation, so that will influence the metabolism and absorb of milk.

If Milk and coklat consume concurrently will make the diare because the essence of protein in milk and the oksalat acid in coklat will unfused.

If Milk and medicine consume concurrently will make the absorb of medicine is not makximal. Because milk is easy make a vegetation layer in surface of mecicine.