The other reason is the organ is not ready to work hard so the effect is bloody because the uterus is unstable.
Minggu, 14 Desember 2008
The myth 40 days after birthing process
The other reason is the organ is not ready to work hard so the effect is bloody because the uterus is unstable.
The material of ultraviolet absorber
Copyrighted from YOHANES SURYA Guru Besar Universitas Pelita Harapan dan Direktur The Mochtar Riady Center for Nanotechnology and Bioengineering
The danger of fragrance for healt
2. sickening
3. vomit
4. bistubrb the grew of enbryio
5. irritation
6. dermatitic
basically the use of over chemichal material or contact with breath directly is dangerousand make the function of neuro system abnormal as defined by Dr. rer. Nat. Budiawan dari Puska RKL (Pusat Kajian Risiko dan Keselamatan Lingkungan)
forbidden material fragrance by the international fragrance association (ifa): musk,ambrette, geranyle, nitrile, and 7 metril coumarynformal dehide,methilcloroisothiozilinone.
The correlation between shower at night and disease
The solution for this problem is do not use cold water, use a warm water to shower at night.
Copyrighted from unknown sourcee
The benefit and danger of smoking
The benefit of smoking (believe it or not!)
According to the research of “human leucosyd antigen” define that hla is a atibobody which make some one avoid the danger of tobacco. But in this research stated that not everyone has this essence.
They say the benefit of smoking is:
1. someone will not beat by dog because dog fear with fire
2. the house of smoker will save because always cough every night
copyrighted from abdul malik azir
The indication
· Brokrn bone
· The back become bend down
· Loss the tall
· Paintful back
1. densitometer (lunar) byusing DXA technologi(dual-energy-x ray absorptiomeri)
· WOMAN HWO HAVE HIGht risk suffer osteoporosis
· Unconfirm sufferer
· The suffere which the medical treatment is must chech accurately
2. –USGDensitometer
3. lab procces for osteocalcin and dioksipiridinolin
4. x ray
5. pegukuran masa tulang
6. blood test
7. bone biopson
Monkey smallpox
Health potato
Chose a potato which have not a spout, good skin, and hard no spot or hole which can make decomposing because the entered of microbe. Do not chose a potato which have a green spot because the taste is bitter and the quality of essence is lower.
¥ How to save a potato
Save in a close plastic, in dry place and protect from direct sunlight.
¥ Potato variation
1. French fries
2. mashed potato instant
3. potato skin
Copyrighted from Dr.Ir Nuri Andarwulan
Faculty of food technology and faculty of nutrient technology agriculture IPB, Bogor
First aid in fever
2. polish the sufferer with wet cloth continuously between 5-7 minutes
3. drink a water as many as possible
4. usee thermometer once 4-5 hour to know the body temperature
5. go to the doctor
Give the sufferer a medicine as
· paracetamol for confuse, stiff.
· ibuprofen because it effective and save
· asetosal well known as aspirin (don’t use this if the flank not endure with the acid. Asetosal also useless if the caused of fever is virus because it will make fatal complication called Reye syndrome
· mefenamat acid well known as ponstan and dipiron ,antalgin or novalgin
Copyrighted from: Prof.Dr. Iwan Darmansjah, Sp. Fk, Farmakolog
Coffee and milk for health
Coffee+milk = not good for health
When we drink a coffee in fit size (2 cups a day) will useful for big brain and heart. Then when we drink milk which contains many calcium is good for bone. But if we consume coffee and milk in a long term it will broke the liver , because the mix of them will caused unstabil emulation and difficult to dissgested.the point to prevent that risk is by infuse the coffee into milk not infuse the milk into the coffee, use the non fat milk it will prevent the milk decay in your stomach.
Consume an over caffeine caused caalculus
According to the survey it shown that after consume an over caffeine the calcium on the urine increase drastically so it caused a calculus.moreover dr.linda massy from university of Washington said that calcium is the main substance of rock, so if we consume over caffeine the risk will bigger.
Orange, juice, coklat and medicine is not good if consume concurrently with milk
About one hour before we drink a milk is not good to eat an orange because if protein in milk mix with acid of orange will make a gelation, so that will influence the metabolism and absorb of milk.
If Milk and coklat consume concurrently will make the diare because the essence of protein in milk and the oksalat acid in coklat will unfused.
If Milk and medicine consume concurrently will make the absorb of medicine is not makximal. Because milk is easy make a vegetation layer in surface of mecicine.
Epilepsy is brain disease that when the sufferer is happen will get stiff and it out of control of the sufferer. Epilepsy is not genetic disease.
The causes of epilepsy
Unstable neuron signal so that it make konslet
· Birthing process
· Stoke
· Brain tumor
· Alcohol
· MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)
· EEG (electroencephalography) a device to check the brain wave
Carbamazepine, Carbatrol, Clobazam, Clonazepam, Depakene, Depakote, Depakote ER, Diastat, Dilantin, Felbatol, Frisium, Gabapentin, Gabitril, Keppra, Klonopin, Lamictal, Lyrica, Mysoline, Neurontin, Phenobarbital, Phenytek, Phenytoin, Sabril, Tegretol, Tegretol XR, Topamax, Trileptal, Valproic Acid, Zarontin, Zonegran, Zonisamide.
Ketogenic Diet. And with doctor prescription
Preventive action;
· Do not feel too tired
· Do not feel cold
· Do not feel hunger
· Do not Stress, take it easy
· never less sleep
Minggu, 07 Desember 2008
Why sex can be enjoy?
Why sex can be enjoy?
When we have a sex with our couple we will feel an enjoyment. This situasion happen because in anatomi of penis and vagina have a sensoric neuron. This neuron sending an information to brain tahat will ask the muscle in penis or vagina to have an erection.
Everyone have a different enjoyment it is based on the respon of the sensoric neuron,muscle,neuron celland the brain. Woman have an orgasm sensation beginning from tegang felinf follwed by quick enjoy feeling usually in klitoris then spread around the panngul, the next is the woman feel the vagina is warm like kesetrum or geli.
The physical sensation like this usually spead around the body. Many woman feel the muscle contraction in vagina or in the panggul bawah. The rangsangan around the klitoris (wether it is oral or by penis penetration) make some other sensitives part become tegangto get the klimaks.
For the man , it has a same theory like the woman in contraction of sex muscle.
The effect of less sleep
The effect of less sleep
Dr. Rini Sekartini sp ak (kids spesialis doctor) state that sleep have an important role in children grow up, because when the children sleep there is some hormonal process. The body product grow up hormon, finally the children who is doesn’t have enough sleep automatically have a abnormal growth as the body become short.
Moreover insomnia influnced the child immune system, hormonal function, metabolism, heart system, blood sirculation, learning proses and remind power. In fact, according to the research for parents in five major city in Indonesia that is Jakarta, bandung, medan, palembang, batam shown that 72.2% parents assume that insomnia in child is not a big problem.
The other result is 44% babies in Indonesia and balita (child under 5 years old) have an distub in sleep like wake up in the madnight and less sleep.
The disturb of sleep also happen in other country as
- Swiss: 20% of the 3 years old child wake up every night
- America:84% child 1-3 years old have an insomnia
- China:23.5% child 2-6 years old have a sleep problem
Doctor rini adds that there are different number of our in sleep according to the age of children
- Baby 0-3 months years old sleep 16-20 ours a day
- Child 3-12 months sleep 14-15 ours a day
- 4 months sleep 13-14 ours a day
- 6 monts sleep 11 ours a a night and 2-3 ours n afternoon
- 1-3 years old sleep 12-14 ours a day
To control the problem we can do some ways one of them do not eat coklat or drink coffe when the children want to bed, rilex, do not feel too tired.
Copyrighted from elly anisyah
Dhiarea frequention
The differences Dhiarea frequention between the baby who give eksklusif milk mother and the bany who give formula milk in region of puskesmas gandrungmangu 1 kabupaten cilacap in year of 2006
Citra Puspitaningrum * Yuni Sapto Edhy Rahayu** Rusana**
This research aim is to know about the difference frequency of diarrhoe between baby who given Exclusif Mother Milk with baby who given formula milk in 1st Gandrungmangu Public Health Centre of Cilacap Regency Working Area. This researched use the descriptive study with comparative researched type. Researched population are babies in the age 11-12 month. Sample was taking using purposive sampling and there are 36 babies who fulfill the inclusion criterion. Collecting data technique using enquette, then analysed with the chi square. This research held in 15-30 Juni 2006. The result found that the number of diarrhoea at baby who given Exclusif Mother Milk are 36,1%, while the number of diarrhoea at baby who given formula milk are 52,8%. Based on calculation result obtained calculate chi square value 21,42 its meaning there is difference frequency of diarrhoea between baby who given Exclusif Mother Milk with baby who given formula milk. This research conclution is there are significant difference frequency of diarrhoea between baby who given Exclusif Mother Milk with baby who given formula milk.
Time in pregnant
- when the pregnant age in less than 3 months the woman pregnant is forbidden to have a sex, because in this age the baby is still weak.
- when the pregnant is in 3-8 months the woman pregnant can have a sex as usual
- the main point is when the pregnant on 9 month the woman is suggest to make a sex, because in this time a sex will make the birthing easily
Seven steps in making learning multimedia
Seven steps in making learning multimedia
Copyrighted by by Romi Satria Wahono
- decided the type of multimedia learning
we must chse the model wheter it can be multimedia to tech (presentation), or we cn directed to bring home by sthe stcdents we must focus on the useful of the media;
- presentation multimedia learning
in this sub capter we only use the point of the material wwe can use the power point to enrich the students knowledge
- self multy media learning
we can use some softwares such as open office impress, power point and adobe flash.
- choose the the material
- arrang the story board
- do it now
- use the ATM technique (amati,tiru,modifikasi) or see,duplicate and modification
- decide the target
- remember the 3 succes story recepies
- dare to try and try again
- learning by yourself
- never give up
bad nutrient disease
Busung lapar desease (bad nutrient disease)
As we know together lately that so many busung lapar cases. Although busung lapar is not a new things in Indonesia but it is always make us sad if we hear that.
Busung lapar happened caused from the effect of economic crisis in our country so that our society unable to buy a better food which consist of good nutrient. The most victims of this disease are children in where they have grown up age.
Busung lapar (bad nutrient disease)
Busung lapar disease is a condition which the body is less in nutritient caused by the less consuming of the energy and protein in daily food menu. There are some ways to identify a child who get this disease:
- By account the body weight disciplinary every month. If the weight is under 60% from the WHO-NCHS standard so it can b sure that the kid is get busung lapar
- by measure the tall and the circle of top arm if the result is not standard it can be sure that u get a busung lapar
The types of busung lapar
There are 3 kinds of busung lapar that is kwas hikor, marasmus, and the join of two marasmus kwashikor.
The sign of busung lapar
The sign of busung lapar is different according to the type of busung lapar
For the kwashikor it can be happen as stated below
- swollen all of the body particularly in back leg and if it’s pressure will leave track like a hole
- smaller muscle and caused the top arm tiny so that the size is under 14 cm
- the appear of pink skin eruption spread widely and change become brown and black then remove
- no eat desire
- the hair begin thyni and red like a corn hair and it remove easily without pain
- the face become rounded (moon face)
- apathies
- infection, anemia and diarrhea
For the marasmus the sign is:
- very thin
- the ribs is stick out
- monkey face
- wrinkled skin
- diarrhea
marasmus kwashikor
- the join of two sign above
The effect of busung lapar
The bad nutrient affecting the decrease of the children wits, Rabun senja and disease infection
Preventive action for busung lapar disease
The preventive action can be done by giving nutrient to children as vegetables, carbohydrate, protein and mother’s milk for baby under 2 years old
“The future of Indonesia is on the hand of our children let save them”
“The future of Indonesia is on the hand of our children let save them”
“The future of Indonesia is on the hand of our children let save them”
“The future of Indonesia is on the hand of our children let save them”
“The future of Indonesia is on the hand of our children let save them”
“The future of Indonesia is on the hand of our children let save them”
Copyrighted from unknown writer
10 habits which broke the brain
10 habits which broke the brain
- no breakfast
the brain will loose the glukosa so it will make less the nutrition to brain
- to much eat
- smoking
- consuming sugar over
- air pollution
- less sleep
- close the head when we sleep
- less thinking stimulus
- using the mind when sick
- less communication
3types of acne
The charchteristic
The carachteistic of this acne is close up the skin pori-pori. The open komedo called blackhead like a bigger pori-pori and become black. The second is the close komedo or whitehead it like a little white jutty. The komedo caused by the over of oil gland and dead skin cell in a skin if u do not exfoliate the skin fce diciplinly the skin pori-pori will close up and u got acne.
Preventive action
Washing face by using cleaner every morning and night, the cleaner should contains salicylic-acid and AHA/BHA to remove the dead skin cell. Always bring a wet tissue and use masker for oily skin once a week.
Remove the blackhead by using plester pore strips, for whiteheaduse the medical acne contains salicyc acid
Type 2 ordinary acne
Caused the close up of pore by a bacteria,mak up, hormonal, stress and air.
Use the medical acne which contains of benzoyil-peroksida or sulfur as neo medrol or gel which contains of antibiotic as garamicyn.
Type 3cystic acne
Its wellknown as rock acne genetically the sufferer have over active gland oil and abnormal skincell grown up the last is over active respons with infection so that leave a trace in skin
Preventive action
We can ask the doctor to give a prescription contains antibiotic accutane
We can ask the doctor to inject the acne with cortisone.